May 2021 Site Search Update!

From Your Assabet Co-op Market Board:
We’ve got an update and a request for volunteers!
We are pleased to share with you that we’ve had promising activity with one of the viable sites under consideration. We’ve obtained a sales forecast and developed a pro forma (budget) that is very positive. We’re beginning conversations with the property owner, who is supportive of our mission. We will keep all of our options open until a deal is finalized. And we will continue to update you as events unfold!
As a cooperative, our committees provide invaluable support. Our committees help us work towards our mission of bringing local, healthy food to all, supporting our local economy and conserving our environment. Right now we are seeking volunteers for two committees.
Our Grant Writing Committee is looking for volunteers to help both research and write grant applications. In addition, for the first time we’re forming a Board Nominations Committee. This committee will help educate our membership on what Board service entails, and help the Board by developing a slate of candidates. This committee is starting up now, and will work just for the next few months.
If you’re interested in either committee, please email
Your Assabet Co-op Market Board