Donate Today

For folks near and far, click Donate Now below to make a tax-deductible donation through our non-profit fiscal sponsor.

For Donor Advised Fund Donations or For More Information

To donate by check, through a Donor Advised Fund, or through another financial vehicle, or for more information, e-mail today!

Fundraising Connections

Networking is key to our campaign’s successTo connect us with neighbors, friends, and colleagues who share our cooperative values around local farms, food justice, and the environment and would like to help, please email

Thank You for Your Support!


A Message from the Assabet Co-op Board of Directors

December 21, 2023

Take a moment to remember back to this time last year, when the market was just a shell of a building. If you attended one of our Cocoa at the Co-op events, you would have been navigating around construction equipment and listening to Sam and Lorne asking you to imagine the produce section here, the bulk food section here, and the cafe there.

Now we have a vibrant, fully operational store that is open to members and the public. We have  a produce section brimming with fruits and vegetables from a variety of local farms, we have handmade cheeses from around New England, we have hot soups served every day right here in the store, and we have craft beers and local wines. We have knitting groups, and events programmed throughout the year including chocolate classes, tastings and much more planned for 2024. We also accept SNAP, another piece in the puzzle to bring fresh and healthy food for all.

We’re grateful to you, our Co-op community that now stands at more than 2,400 members for your support and making this all possible. If you are a frequent shopper, thank you for making this a regular grocery destination. If you haven’t been to the store lately, come in and see what you have helped to build.

We want to thank everyone who responded to the survey sent out in October. We’ll report our findings in our next update. If you missed the survey sent out in October, you’re input is always welcome:

End of Year Giving

You can also participate in supporting the co-op’s ongoing growth and development by making us one of your end of year giving spaces. We’ve had a few folks ask us about this and so we wanted to share this information more broadly. You can still give in a variety of meaningful ways: simple online donations, direct check donations, DAF giving, matching gifts from your workplace, and much more.

Wishing you and your family health & happiness through this holiday season.

Your Co-op Board of Directors