Capital Campaign Committee Meeting
The Capital Campaign Committee will meet online on Zoom, Tuesday, May 19, 7-8pm. With site negotiations underway for our locally sourced, community-owned grocery store, it’s time to prep for our last phase before we open our doors!
All Co-op Owners are welcome to attend this meeting – please e-mail Siobain@assabetvillage.coop for Zoom access.
We understand not everyone will be able to meet – our families, work, and health are our top priorities right now. But if you have the capacity and want to help, this is our chance. Our hope is to come out on the other side of this crisis with our own locally sourced, community-owned grocery store where we can proudly shop local, reconnect with each other, and celebrate community and food again.
See you online on Wed., May 19 at 7pm!
This event is free.