End-of-Year Update From the Board!

Dear Co-op Friends,
Phew! It’s been a year . . . and quite a ride.
It’s been a year of challenges and a year of celebration. Our little, wonderful co-op strapped on its seatbelt and planted itself in the seat of the roller coaster called “2022,” and we’re still here — because we’ve worked our butts off increasing our membership, building our new space, raising money, and planning for a future that will soon include our very own community-owned, community-supported grocery store.
But what would a year-end letter be without a reminder to give? Our community has been SO generous. Were it not for this crazy pandemic, our investments raised to date would have sufficed and frankly, you’d be doing your shopping this holiday season at our newly minted co-op.
In this season of light, we see the light at the end of the tunnel. Construction is well under way, we have the most glorious view of the Assabet River from our new deck, and before you know it, we’ll be hiring and training our staff. Though COVID slowed us down a bit (and, sadly, added unforeseen costs), we’re so close now to walking into our beautiful store that we can taste it. (And it tastes good!)
We have to face realities and continue to meet our challenges head on. This fall, many co-op members and friends of the co-op have dug deep, offering tax-deductible donations through our nonprofit sponsor. Thank you. Our membership is diverse. We understand that for many in our community, you’ve given what you can. But we ask those of you who can offer more, who see the success of this community asset for what it can be — a hub for good food, healthy choices, food security, great jobs, community meetings, and support for local growers and vendors — to dig just a little deeper.
Help us reach our goal — and reduce the cost of our debt — with a tax-deductible donation. We’re happy to receive a $25, $250, $2,500, or $250,000 contribution. To donate online, please click here.
We look forward to a day — in the not-too-distant future — when we’ll stop asking for donations and start asking, “Did you find everything you were looking for?” Can’t wait!
We hope you all get to spend some time with loved ones in the coming weeks.
David Gerratt
for the Assabet Co-op Market Board
If you have yet to do so, we highly recommend that you come for a site visit. You will be wowed! Check your email and our website for tour dates and times.