June News: Site Progress, Prepping for Fall Capital Campaign!

We’ll keep this June update short and very sweet. Negotiations on the potential site for our locally sourced, community-owned grocery store are making progress in Maynard.
We’re awaiting a number of inspections, reports, and drawings before we’ll know it’s a done deal or not, but should all go well, we hope to announce our location by the end of July!
So, is that it? No. Like every successful co-op across the country, our Assabet Village Co-op Market will open and thrive by giving our 1,258 Owners (and counting) an opportunity to invest in our Capital Campaign.
This is our chance to make real what we’ve envisioned for almost 8 years. And unlike Wall Street investments, Owners will SEE our investments (interest-paying loans) make an immediate impact right here in our community.
From the carpenters, plumbers, and countless tradespeople who will build our store, to our neighbors who become our beloved grocery store staff, to the dozens of local neighbor farmers and food producers who supply our store and feed our #coopcommunity. This is how Co-ops across the country open their doors, build thriving community-owned grocery stores, and build sustainable economies for a generation. And it couldn’t come at a more important time.
Owners, to learn more about investing in the Capital Campaign, please e-mail Siobain@assabetvillage.coop.
Not yet a Co-op Owner? JOIN TODAY by clicking here, and let’s open our locally sourced, community-owned grocery store!