Capital Campaign Q&A for Interested Investors!
Interested in making an interest-paying loan to our Capital Campaign? Join our Campaign Q&A this Sunday, Nov. 7, at 10am on Zoom*!
The Q&A will be hosted by GM Sam McCormick and Director of Outreach Lorne Bell and will answer all your questions …
Why have Owners invested $1.6M in interest-paying loans toward our $2M goal?
How do the loans work?
What are the interest rates and maturities?
What will our investments do for our store and our community?
How does this Campaign strengthen our Co-op and achieve our mission?
How do I make an interest-paying loan?
*For Zoom access to this event, please e-mail And we’ll see you this Sunday, Nov. 7, at 10am!
If you cannot attend and are interested in making a loan, e-mail today for your prospectus! The Capital Campaign is a private offering for Assabet Co-op Market Owners only.
This event is free.