This Week at the Co-op: Mister Vic Returns!

Mister Vic 2MetroWest’s favorite children’s entertainer, Mister Vic, returns to the Co-op this Sat., May 18, 11am-12pm! Plus, organic berries and avocados are on a huge sale, and Donut Sunday features the Maple Creemee Donut. For details and the Donut Sunday preorder link, click here!

Bald Eagles at our Riverfront Cafe!

Bald Eagle 1

Our Riverfront Cafe stretches 64 feet along the Assabet River, a perfect spot to spot great blue heron, swans, giant turtles, and bald eagles! This fellow nests just across the river and was recently seen hunting for fish and perching around our deck. Come for coffee, breakfast, or lunch at the Co-op and enjoy!

Bulk Ordering Is Here!

Organic Produce Specials 3.26 4.1Organic Produce Specials 3.26 4.1

Organic Produce Specials 3.26 4.1 (7)

Bulk Launch Social Image

Everyone can order products in bulk form the co-op, and our 2,500+ owners save 10%! To place a bulk order, click here.

co-op owners photo montage
Current Owners:

Click here to see the latest Co-op Deals!